Stem Cell Therapy

Is Stem Cell Therapy Right For You?

Are you ready to get out in the world and start living again? With Stem Cell Therapy, it is possible. Stem Cells aid in the healing process by promoting your body’s natural cellular repair processes at the injection site. The body’s ability to heal itself and regenerate tissue after an injury is the reason why Stem Cell Therapy works so well. Stem Cells at the injury site work to attract the important cellular components needed to repair your tissue at a rate faster than if left on its own. The Mayo Clinic describes stem cells as the body’s raw materials – cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells. These daughter cells either become new stem cells (self-renewal) or become specialized cells (differentiation) with more specific function, such as muscle, tendon, ligament, cartilage or bone cells. No other cell in the body has the natural ability to generate new cell types. At Nashville Spine Institute we offer 2 Stem Cell Therapy options:
  • Adipose Tissue
  • Lipogems

Adipose Tissue (Autologous Stem Cells)

Adipose is used in regenerative medicine procedures because mesenchymal stem cells can be isolated from almost every tissue in the human body. The central connecting aspect to explain this fact is that all of these tissues are vascularized and that every blood vessel in the body has mesenchymal cells in abluminal locations. These perivascular cells can be summarily called Pericytes. Adipose-Derived MSCs are being used therapeutically because they undergo homing to sites of inflammation or tissue injury and they secrete massive levels of bioactive agents that are both immunomodulatory and trophic.

  • FDA Cleared
  • Low Risk – as it is your own cells

Did you know?

MSCs are found as perivascular cells and, even in large vessels, in the adventitia but, again, not in the generic connective tissue. To best understand the native, functional properties of MSCs, think PERICYTES.

Click here to learn more about Adpose Tissue


Fat is a versatile tissue that plays essential roles in the way our body functions, but one of the most remarkable is the role that fat may play in how we heal. A variety of studies over many decades have been conducted exploring the healing potential of fat. There is even documentation describing the use of fat to accelerate the healing of soldiers’ battle wounds during World War I! So what have we learned from history and research about the healing potential of fat?

Advantages of using FAT in Orthopaedics

  • FAT  is minimally invasive to harvest
  • Most people have a lot of extra FAT
  • FAT is the highest quality tissue
  • FAT has 100-500 times more reparative cells than other similar tissue.
  • Research has shown that as a person ages, their FAT maintains its reparative properties unlike other similar tissue, such as bone marrow, which may lose healing capacity with age.
  • FAT contains many supportive and reparative cells that help to promote a healing environment throughout the body.

Click here to learn more about Lipogems